GRAFF, the worldwide manufacturer of innovative faucets and shower systems has recently introduced Aqua-sense. This shower range combines a shower system that defines the concept of home wellness with a truly sensual experience created through the mix of water, colours and sounds. The electronic system with a ceiling-mounted shower head creates a very intense central rainfall effect as well as a waterfall jet. The RGB LED changes colour, shaping diffused chromatic lines to produce a soothing effect in the bathroom environment. The system is controlled by a touch-screen with a simple and intuitive interface controlling water functions, colour changes, music and videos. Music can be easily uploaded by connecting an iPod to a wall-mounted USB port, while the speakers are ceiling-installed. The system is well-equipped with a hand shower and adjustable side body sprays. From watching videos and listening to music to enjoying colour therapy, the Aqua-Sense shower system provides a multimedia experience through the use of touchpad technology.

Mr. Ziggy Kulig, President, GRAFF Designs says, “Our new collection, AQUA-SENSE shower, redefines the future of living design. Committed to delivering unparalleled quality standards, we have combined chromatic effects and cutting-edge technology to create a truly innovative product. Our design philosophy seamlessly integrates aesthetics with practicality and functionality, ensuring that our systems are never merely an alternative but a harmonious blend of both.”
For more information GRAFF India, www.graff-designs.com